
Cocoa agroforestry in West Africa: Experiences from the private sector and opportunities for collaborative action


Authors: Tropenbos International, Tropenbos Ghana and Nitidae

Ghana - 2023


Despite efforts to promote agroforestry in the cocoa sector, its adoption has been slow. This publication gives insight into the strategies of six cocoa and chocolate companies to encourage agroforestry in West Africa, and offers recommendations to accelerate its uptake.

To better understand the commitments by private companies to promote agroforestry in the cocoa sector are implemented, Tropenbos International, Tropenbos Ghana and Nitidae took a closer look at the approaches of six cocoa and chocolate companies operating in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire: Cargill, CÉMOI, ETG | Beyond Beans, HALBA, Tony’s Chocolonely and Touton. By combining insights from these case studies with findings from literature, the study puts forth recommendations for companies and the broader cocoa sector to improve their agroforestry strategies. 

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