This manual aims at promoting the enforcement and compliance of laws guiding the Overland Timber Trade so as to achieve desired results under the FLEGT Initiative. It brings together modalities guiding the trade that were hitherto scattered among many documents into one document which provides instructions for all key actors of the trade; that is the regulator, the exporter, law enforcement agencies comprising the police and customs officers as well as the trader and consumer. It provides information on legal wood products that can be exported overland as well as the required documents necessary for the inspection and grading of timber product consignments for export. And it also specifies which documents are required for Export Permits and FLEGT Licensing processing in addition to those required for transporting consignments and for processing Customs Release.
The manual was developed by Tropenbos Ghana under the project ‘Supporting Knowledge and Regulation of Overland Timber Trade and Promoting Domestic Legal Timber Supply Through Strengthening Artisanal Milling in Ghana’